Below are excerpts from various projects I’ve written. Each specializes in a different genre and emphasizes different aspects of my writing.

Red River Dandelions exhibits poetic prose and descriptive dialogue. This excerpt comes in the middle of the book. Leo and his daughter, Ellie, are returning from Oklahoma to Texas. He caught her cheating on David, Leo’s husband, and tries to understand why while probing into a past he has kept hidden. The close third POV switches from Ellie to Leo at the double paragraph spacing about halfway through; this is a technique used throughout the book.

The Castle of Iem shows concise world building through a dynamic fight scene. In this portal fantasy, Anna, is thrown into Khalfaeorm where she is a queen tasked with bringing water back to her kingdom in the valley. In this scene, the magically powerful Canisc and her giant guardian, Josmun are protecting while she flees to safety of the forest.

Close to Eden illustrates structured first act composition while maintaining a solid pace. This excerpt is the entire first act of the sci-fi story, using a strong hook tied to a compelling idea  to keep the audience engaged.

A Night on Broadway demonstrates my ability to concisely deliver light-hearted dialogue and a brief but full plot. Owen Rask and I made the play with the intention of giving first-time performers the opportunity to sing their favorite songs, forming the plot around their song choices (a-la Mama Mia). 

Sally the Sixteenth Note is a picture book, written for a younger audience and telling a simpler and shorter story. It tells the story of Sally, a Sixteenth note struggling with isolation as she tries to find her place in the song of school and her peers. (Art by Beth Spieler).